Project Description

Divination & Card Reading


Divination & Card Reading


Seek and you shall find…

Our intuitive team members have many techniques to help you gain clarity in your situation including anatomy card reading, shamanic divination and muscle testing. Discover the answers you seek through one of the following modalities.

Specific Anatomy Card Reading

Have a specific question? Your body knows! In this art you are invited to ask a specific question and the anatomy of the body takes us to the root answer within. This answer, as guided by your body gives a physical, biological function, as well as the potential of emotional, mental and spiritual information to guide you, give confirmation, prevention and elimination in your life. How the body functions within, reflects how you need to act externally.

Shamanic Divination

Are you at a crossroads in your life and need to make a decision? Are you seeking ways to improve your life or a particular situation?  Perhaps you feel that something is missing, and more information can pull the pieces together.  Whatever your inquiry is, shamanic divination is a very powerful way to access infinite streams of information and advice from the helping spirits.

Muscle Testing

Also known as Applied Kinesiology, muscle testing is a way to observe whether something will truly benefit you or not, using the body’s innate connection to the subconscious mind. It offers a line of communication between the body’s muscles and this deeply veiled part of the mind through the network of energy that’s runs through the body. By simply asking questions and watching if a muscle weakens or is strengthened, muscle testing can help you discover more about yourself, and make decisions to add or eliminate things in your life.

30 Minutes • $55

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