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Foundations of Mindfulness – 4 Week Introduction

Week 1 – What is Mindfulness? 

Understanding Attention Vs Mind Wandering and the effects on daily life and well-being. The first class is an introduction to Mindfulness. We learn to use breath as an Anchor, begin to explore mindfulness of thoughts and learn exactly how to overcome the human brain’s natural ‘Negativity Bias’ with a formal Heartfulness practice of Gratitude.


Week 2 – Emotions/Mindfulness of the Body/Body Awareness

Emotions are two parts. They are a story we tell ourselves in our minds and they are also felt in the nervous system and experienced in the body. Have you ever been swept away by an emotion? Perhaps said something out of anger that you regretted? Have you been so sad it lasted hours or carried to the next day? Mindfulness can help! Improve your mind-body connection, become less reactive and process stuck emotions out of the body. You are not your emotions. Emotions are just information that comes and goes. Learn to understand and observe the emotions. Mindfulness helps us take care of emotions in loving, productive, positive ways. Raise your EQ (emotional intelligence) and improve your relationships, work, daily happiness, sleep and life!


Week 3 – Mindfulness of Thoughts

Studies vary but it is estimated that we have 50 000 to 70 000 thoughts a day. All that thinking is your self-talk. Are you constantly criticizing and judging yourself and others, stuck in a worry loop or thinking trap? What are you saying to yourself all day? Research suggests 90% of the thoughts you think each day are the exact same thoughts as the day before, often happening outside of conscious awareness affecting your mood and daily life. Surprisingly, many of these thoughts are not even true! Tune in and learn to ’Change the Channel’ with mindfulness. You can rewire your brain. Learn how to write and use your own effective and empowering affirmations.


Week 4 – Cultivating Heartfulness: Loving-Kindness towards self and others. We mindfully explore compassion towards self and others. This is a game changer! Heartfulness and mindfulness go hand and hand. We cannot have mindfulness without heartfulness. Learn to develop the capacity to regard life with compassion and empathy. Watch your daily happiness grow and improve sleep! 


Each class we will begin with an arrival practice of gentle yoga and breathwork. Then we dive into the brain and body research. Lastly, we will finish with a formal mindfulness practice. This series is both informative and experiential. Participants will be invited to use the tools and strategies daily each week. By practicing these simple strategies, over time (at the end of four weeks), you will feel much calmer, improve focus, be happier and sleep better. These science based strategies are backed by 40 years of research.